We are greatly saddened by the passing of Queen Elizabeth II at The Fine Bedding Company, as mark of rememberance we have decided to give something back by selecting the charity Walking With The Wounded. For every order received on Monday 19th Sept 2022 we will donate £5 to this chosen charity
Established in 2010, Walking With The Wounded ‘WWTW’ is a leading military charity which recognises that those who served, deserve.
Whether mentally wounded, socially wounded or physically wounded, they deserve the care, support and means they and their families need to function in society, serving in the communities in which they live, reigniting their sense of purpose and making a positive contribution again.
Walking With The Wounded gets those who’ve served – and their families - back on their feet.
We do four things: employment, mental health, care coordination and volunteering which are saving jobs, homes, relationships and lives for the veterans who are struggling since leaving the military.
Our innovative partnerships with the NHS, supporting mental health teams across the UK; the creation of Project Nova with the RFEA to intercept veterans in police custody and reduce reoffending; our own mental health capabilities enabling 121 therapy within days; and our award-winning volunteering initiative OP REGEN, are delivering significant, positive, social impacts across the UK